Team Langer was created in 2018 by Nick Langer and his daughter, Ellery. Ellery is the inspiration of the team; Nick is just a means of transportation. Inspired by a father/son duo, Nick ventured into the sport of triathlon in 2000. When Ellery was born in 2012 and diagnosed with cerebral palsy, it was the same duo, Dick and Rick Hoyt, that inspired Nick to pursue Ellery's inclusion in similar events. Ellery participated in her first triathlon in 2016 at the Pardeeville Triathlon, thanks to the support of myTeam Triumph. After acquiring their own racing cart and equipment for Ellery (through the Hoyts), Team Langer was created. Their mission is to raise awareness of inclusion of people with disabilities, while at the same time helping other families impacted by childhood disabilities by collecting funds through charitable events, sponsorships, and donations.